Summer 2012: Understated Elegance


©Clyde Aspevig – “Shoreline” 11″ X 14″

As you may be aware, I recently returned to Cape Cod, a place where I lived more than two decades ago and a place that I’ve always thought of as “home.” Nourished by the beauty of this place, I’ve found a renewed sense of purpose.  On a daily basis I experience a profound sense of what I call “Understated Elegance” – a timeless quality I feel has for centuries contributed to the lure of Cape Cod.   And so, I’ve chosen a venue for an unprecedented Fine Art exhibition that will allow my guests to share in my experience, offering the opportunity to step back in time and revisit an era of untouched natural beauty.

Understated Elegance will be held at The Clark Carriage House which was built in Quissett Harbor as part of the original Marshall family private estate in 1894.   The Carriage House, now part of the J. Erik Jonsson Woods Hole Center of the National Academy of Sciences, features outstanding ocean views and close proximity to the world-renowned Oceanographic Institute and the Marine Biological Laboratory.  Refurbished in the 1990’s, The Carriage House now serves as a conference center that often plays host to a variety of educational and scientific conferences.

Exactly 105 years ago, The Clark Carriage House was the site of an historic John Marshall family’s 4th of July celebration. It is my hope that Understated Elegance will introduce a new holiday tradition to this renowned estate.

Much has been written about Cape Cod’s views and light, but with this gathering of artists and art I wish to share something subtler that goes beyond these visual qualities. To me there lies within this place an enduring connection to the land, sea, and sky– and inspiration from the elements of life itself.  So, I invite you to join us this coming July, to take in the wonder of the landscape along with the paintings and sculpture by the exceptional artists in our show.  In their own unique way, each artist captures and expresses their observations of Nature’s “Understated Elegance.” ~ Kristen Thies

For more information on this July 6-8, 2012 Event, Understated Elegance, please visit this link

©Rosetta Waiting by George Carlson

Rosetta Waiting- G. Carlson

 ©Richard Schmid “Arpeggios” Oil 15″ X 22″

The exhibition “Understated Elegance” will  be brought to you by Curating Fine Art Collections since 1998.